Celebrities Who Kicked the Habit

In light of Oral Cancer Awareness Month, celebrities have brightened their smiles and improved their health by kicking the tobacco habit. Here’s how and why some stars finally gave up their tobacco habits.

Catherine-Zeta Jones: The award winning actress and wife to Michael Douglas began smoking as a teenager. She decided to quit because of her fear of that secondhand smoke would harm her children.

Kelly Ripa: This co-host of Live With Regis and Kelly revealed that she was a closet smoker. She had quit prior to having her children and then started smoking again while shooting Hope and Faith. Ripa put down the cigarettes a second time after encouragement from her co-star, Faith Ford, and took up exercise instead.

Matt Damon: The star of the Bourne movie triology realized it was time to quit when he looked at the consequences of what smoking can do to you. He quit smoking with the help of a hypnotist.

Anthony Hopkins: This star of The Silence of the Lambs officially dropped the habit decades ago, but still struggles with random cravings. When he feels a craving coming on, he picks up Allen Carr’s The Easy Way to Stop Smoking to reinforce his reasons for quitting.

Jennifer Aniston: This Friends star was a self-professed chain smoker for years. In 2007, she did an extreme detox to cleanse her system and added yoga to her daily routines. Not only was she able to give up cigarettes, but caffeine as well.

Jon Daly: This Comedy Central star started smoking when he was 15 years old. In 2000, he finally gave up cigarettes and replaced them with chewing gum.