Having a Traditional and Healthy Holiday

With Thanksgiving taking place tomorrow, it’s likely that your holiday menu has been planned for a while and that cooking is already underway. It’s very easy to indulge at the table during the holidays, but you may be relieved to know that many traditional holiday foods won’t upset your healthy diet. Take a look!

Traditional and Healthy Holiday Foods

  • Turkey: Because turkey is one of the leanest meats available, a 3-ounce serving of skinless white meat contains 25 grams of protein, barely 3 grams of fat, and less than 1 gram of saturated fat. To avoid empty calories and bad fats, take the skin off of your turkey before you dig in.
  • Cranberries: Recent research shows just how healthy cranberries really are. They are packed with dozens of different antioxidants, and may have the power to prevent certain cancers, gum disease, tooth decay, and other health problems. To reap the benefits of this popular ingredient, make your own cranberry sauce from whole berries to avoid added sugar.
  • Sweet potatoes: Believe it or not, sweet potatoes are not related to the white potato. They’re actually members of the morning glory family. Nevertheless, they’re a great source of vitamin A, beta carotene, vitamin C, potassium, and fiber. Unlike with turkey, go ahead and eat the skin of a sweet potato because that’s where the majority of the nutrients are located.
  • Pumpkin: Pumpkin in its natural form is fantastic for you. It’s low in fat, low in calories, and loaded with potassium, vitamin A, beta carotene, and vitamin C. All of these nutrients are lost when it’s made into a pie or another sweet treat, so try one of these healthy pumpkin recipes instead.
  • Pecans: Most nuts are great sources of heart-healthy fats, and pecans are no exception- that is until they’re used in a sugary pie. Like pumpkin, pecans are best for you in their natural form, and studies around the globe show that people who routinely eat nuts are less likely to die of heart disease than those who don’t.

As you can see, you can enjoy most of the traditional Thanksgiving foods without harming your body or your waistline. Just keep our wine tips in mind, and you’ll have your healthiest holiday season yet!

National Flossing Day and Post-Holiday Dental Care

National Flossing Day is always the day after Thanksgiving, so after you brush away turkey and cranberry residue, it’s time to break out the floss and get to work on your smile. As a dentist in Detroit, Dr. Aziza Askari hopes you floss all year round, but make a special effort on Friday to do so.